Collection: Spartan

The Spartan helmet and armor were crucial elements of the Spartan hoplite, the elite warrior of ancient Sparta. Known for their discipline, military prowess, and dedication to war, Spartans used equipment designed for both protection and efficiency.

Spartan Helmet

  • Design: The most iconic Spartan helmet was a variation of the Corinthian helmet, made of bronze, covering the entire face except for the eyes and mouth.
  • Lakonian Style: Over time, Spartans used simpler open-faced designs, such as the Pilos helmet, which provided better vision and hearing.
  • Crest (Lophos): Many Spartan helmets featured a horsehair crest, often placed longitudinally, possibly indicating rank or unit identity.

Spartan Armor (Hoplite Panoply)

  • Cuirass (Body Armor): Early Spartans wore bronze breastplates, but by the time of the Persian Wars (5th century BCE), they favored the linothorax, a lighter, layered linen and leather armor reinforced with metal plates.
  • Greaves (Leg Protection): Bronze shin guards protected the lower legs, though some Spartans eventually abandoned them for increased mobility.
  • Red Cloak (Phoinikis): Spartans wore a distinctive red cloak, thought to hide blood and intimidate enemies. However, this was removed before battle.

Shield (Aspis or Hoplon)

  • Large, round, and heavily reinforced, it was the most crucial part of a Spartan’s defense and used in the phalanx formation.
  • Lambda (Λ) Symbol: By the 5th century BCE, Spartan shields bore the Greek letter Λ (Lambda), representing Lacedaemon, the region of Sparta.